1. Got in a car accident
2. Called 911
3. Went through a truck weigh station
It all started while Tam, Galen, Zeus, Dakota and I were driving to Mazama. Around 8:30 we were halfway between Leavenworth and Wenatchee on a 4 lane road when (60 mph roads) I noticed the car in front of us had slowed down considerably. Upon further inspection I saw that there were deer crossing the road and this car was slowing for the animals. I slowed down also and coasted past the car at maybe 20 mph, the deer had finished crossing the road. Just as I was about to accelerate we got rammed from behind by a car that may have been traveling up to 65 mph and did not hit the brakes at all. The three of us got whiplash and Galen was hit with various objects flying through the car. All in all I think we are okay but we will see what tomorrow brings. The driver of the car did not have a license or insurance, but he did have his wife and three kids in his car. They had some minor injuries as well. Not sure what my insurance is going to cover at this point but I suspect that my car is totaled as the rear end is a bit messy.
Right after we got hit, which was a total surprise to all of us, I was a bit scared and thinking 'I hope that was it'. The scarier part was when I got out of the car and looked in back and saw that Zeus was no longer in the car. While driving, he was laying in the back on some crash pads which elevated him to the height of the rear window. I suspect that during the impact Zeus was ejected out of the rear window of the car and may have ended up on the hood of the car that hit us. I was expecting to see him laying in the road when he was not in the car, however some witnesses said they saw a black dog run to the side of the road. Sure enough, a few seconds later Zeus came running up to the car, without even a limp. He does have some minor scratches but otherwise seems to be okay. Sometimes I really think he is robo-dog.
We had to get towed 145 miles back to Seattle, which is when we went through the weigh station while riding in the tow truck flat bed. Uneventful, but mentionable.
I am glad I drive a Volvo