Thursday, March 31, 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Autumn forest hike

Beautiful crisp, damp fall weather. Who would've expected that in Africa?

Saturday, March 19, 2016

RIP Zeus

after nearly a year at the most exclusive, comfortable, grassy and massage-y retirement resort New England has to offer, lord and master Zeus has taken the big sleep. over his 14 years, we had some most excellent adventures, and then he turned out to be a surprisingly great family dog. from the florida keys, to mexico, to alaska, he chewed a lot of sticks (sometimes rocks) and sniffed a lot of sniffs. he will be missed.

 we cannot thank mormor enough for everything she did for him over the last 9 months... 

Sonora at Kirstenbosch


Dadu just had his first trip to India. 5 days in an international hotel in Bangalore giving a course to 33 local wind engineers. Fun to play teacher, meet some new people and eat amazing food. Less fun to be in a hotel for 5 days in a place with so much to explore. Lots of people and traffic, but hopefully the family gets back someday to explore a bit.

Ivan at Kirstenbosch

Friday, March 11, 2016

Definitions by Nora

Aquarium (pronounced: equitarial): something that keeps fish and sharks away so they don't bother me while I'm drawing

Wednesday, March 9, 2016
