England makes me think of good ales, An American Werewolf in London (one of my favorite horror movies), motor cars, and rain, to name a few things. After an afternoon in London, I have spent the last eight days 3 hours north in Sheffield. Work has brought me here, and might keep me here longer than expected. For Thanksgiving I had a steak pie in a local brewpub and listened to a man tell me about what a good fighter his collie/cross dog was. His northern accent combined with a speech impediment allowed me to understand about 20% of what he was saying. Each day I meet up with a team of proper Scots, lead by a man named Molloch, to face the elements and build some towers. I even got out climbing for a couple afternoons.
Driving a minivan is a treat, but I sometimes miss having a manual transmission. Driving a manual from the passenger seat and keeping the car on the left side of the road have been no small challenges. I was ‘pulled over’ by the police once for driving the wrong way down a one way road in London, as directed by a London navigator in the car with me, but I haven’t caused any head on collisions just yet. The country roads are so curvy and narrow I can see why they love their sports cars so much here, it’s just more fun to drive around.
Anyway, happy thanksgiving folks and here are some photos:

Woot! the original Coventry?
1 comment:
Wow England so cool you lucky happy holidays times bro--
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